International Conference “Smart Cities and Mobility as a Service”

University of Patras Conference and Cultural Center Panepistimioupoli Patron , Patras, Greece

The University of Patras, Department of Civil Engineering, in cooperation with ITS Hellas and with the support of the Hellenic Institute of Transportation Engineers are organizing the “Smart Cities and Mobility as a Service” International Conference. Smart cities use digital technologies to enhance performance and wellbeing, to reduce costs and resource consumption, and to engage […]

Transport as a Commodity and Utility Virtual Workshop


Hosted by ITS America, ERTICO – ITS Europe and ITS Asia-Pacific Curated by MOD Alliance and MaaS Alliance If, at its core, MOD/MaaS treats transportation supply and demand as commodities, blending both public and private sector entities in a more singular customer-driven mobility service – is it possible for our public and private road and […]

5G-MOBIX final webinar: results & recommendations

Webinar 5G for CAM in Cross-border environments The 5G-MOBIX EC project's trials have assessed the added value of 5G connectivity for connected and Automated Mobility (CAM) services and functionalities in cross-border conditions. This webinar will present a comprehensive overview of the 5G-MOBIX evaluation results and recommendations. Participants will get insights into the recent key findings […]

5G-LOGINNOV Ideathon in Athens

5G-LOGINNOV announces the collaboration between the Consortium partners to organise Ideathons for each Living Lab in Hamburg, Athens and Koper. The Ideathons are an opportunity for 5G experts to gather together and share lessons learnt and know-how, with the purpose of furthering the debate about the implementation of 5G-based services to boost the technological innovation […]