eCall Way Forward PSAP Workshop

Venue: ERTICO - ITS Europe, Blue Tower, Brussels 3rd September 2014, 10:00-16:30 Please register through the following link

FOT-Net Data International Workshop on Data Sharing

FOT-Net Data International Workshop on Data Sharingorganised in collaboration with the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT)COBO Congress Centre (ITS Congress Venue), room 140A, DetroitSunday 7 September 201409:00-15:30(before the ITS World Congress opening ceremony) Free of charge, but please register at: This workshop aims to exchange information on FOTs and data sharing between the three […]

ITS World Congress 2014 – Detroit

The Intelligent Transportation Society of America, ERTICO–ITS Europe, and ITS Japan will host the 21st World Congress on Intelligent Transport Systems in Detroit, Michigan from September 7-11, 2014, bringing together more than 10,000 of the world’s leading transportation policy makers, technology, and business professionals. Technology Demonstration Participants Sought for 21st World Congress on Intelligent Transport […]

Connected Vehicles

Connected vehicles hold the promise of increased safety and security, better network efficiency, improved traffic management and reduced environmental impact. Car makers, mobile-network operators, insurers, IT solutions providers... all are looking towards this new market to boost their sales and turn the upcoming eCall regulation into a source of profit rather than an additional cost. […]