PLOTO 1st plenary meeting


PLOTO partners are invited to the upcoming plenary meeting organised in Budapest on 8-9 March. In this two-day, in-person event, partners from each Work Package will have the chance to lively present the progress and achievements from the beginning of the project last September.

FAME CCAM R&I projects & stakeholder consultation workshop

Warwick Brussels Hotel Rue Duquesnoy, 5, Brussels, Belgium

The EU-funded FAME project’s mission is to support the European Commission and the CCAM Partnership in coordinating CCAM R&I and testing activities in Europe. FAME is organising a workshop in Brussels on the 8 March afternoon, in conjunction with the CCAM Partnership Multi-Cluster Meeting which will take place on 9 March. Please fill in the […]

Fit for 55 Evening Summit

Transportation accounts for up to a third of Europe’s total carbon emissions. The non-CO2 effects of transport emissions, combined with the technological and policy challenges associated with the sector’s mitigation and reduction of emissions makes decarbonising transportation uniquely challenging. Europe has sought to face this challenge through a package of measures derived from the European Climate […]

WEBINAR: TN-ITS value proposals in relation to the revised RTTI Delegated Regulation

If you're interested in the latest developments in real-time traffic information services, don't want to miss the upcoming webinar on March 17th. This webinar will focus on the 'TN-ITS value proposals in relation to the revised RTTI Delegated Regulation'. The RTTI Delegated Regulation has been revised to improve the accessibility, exchange, re-use and update of […]