Webinar on the status and challenges in safety validation of automation technology

This webinar will focus on current status and challenges in safety validation of automated vehicles as one of the key pieces to achieve a safer and more secure and transport system, as foreseen with the introduction of CAD on our roads. The session will look into what is needed in order to create a commonly […]

ERTICO Academy Webinar: Traffic management – loop and governance

With the developments in CCAM and the gradual move from scheduled to demand driven mobility, information on real-time traffic should ideally loop backwards to the traffic control and management points. If we wish to have a mobility system that is able to ‘see’ the whole picture of traffic on real time, we need to re-think […]

CAD Study – Final Conference


ERTICO, Ecorys, IRU, М-Five, SEURECO, TRT, UITP and VTT will present their findings as part of a European Commission Study on the impact of Connected and Automated Driving (CAD) on jobs and employment at the “CAD Study Final Conference” on 15 September 2020. Join us from 10:00 to 16:30 CET to learn about and discuss  the consequences of […]

Webinar: 5G-MOBIX Evaluation Framework

This webinar is organized to present the various  aspects of the Evaluation Framework of the 5G-MOBIX project. An overview of the project’s evaluation framework will be provided, specifying the evaluation objectives. Discussions will include information regarding the evaluation methodology, selected KPIs, measurement tools and data management processes, across the different corridors and local trial sites. […]