This article is the second of a series that cover the Abstract* that the UDRIVE project presented during a poster session at the TRA meeting in Paris on 16 April 2014
The scientific and technical aims of UDRIVE are describing and quantifying road user behaviour in different European regions, in regular conditions and (near)-crashes, and providing a quantified estimate of the risk of particular safety-critical behaviours, focusing especially on the prevalence and effects of driver states, such as distraction and inattention, and the interactions between drivers/riders and high risk groups like pedestrians and cyclists. The UDRIVE project does not only investigate the behaviour of drivers of passenger cars, but also that of truck drivers and motorcycle riders. The UDRIVE projects aims at describing and quantifying road user behaviour in relation to emission levels and fuel consumption, focusing in particular on the effects of driving style, road and road network characteristics, and traffic conditions such as congestion, impaired visibility or adverse weather.
UDRIVE aims to provide recommendations for safety and sustainability measures related to regulation, enforcement, driver awareness, driver training, and road design. The project results may lead to improved driver behaviour models and risk functions which can be used in traffic simulations. UDRIVE will define measurable safety and environmental performance indicators for monitoring developments over time, the improvement of existing models of driver behaviour to be used for e.g. predicting effects of safety and environmental measures, and traffic flow simulations, and applications in commercial transport, including driver support systems and targeted training for safer and more fuel efficient driving.
To be continued
*UDRIVE: the European naturalistic driving study
Rob Eeninka, Yvonne Barnardb, Martin Baumannc, Xavier Augrosd, Fabian Uteschc
a SWOV Institute for Road Safety Research, Leidschendam, The Netherlands
b ERTICO – ITS Europe, Brussels, Belgium
c German Aerospace Center (DLR), Braunschweig, German
d Volvo Group Trucks Technology, Saint Priest, France