ERTICO – ITS Europe and the City of Copenhagen will proudly host the 25th ITS World Congress in the beautiful centre of Copenhagen; where historic buildings meet the revolutionary ITS solutions of tomorrow to create one of the most liveable cities in the world.

The Congress theme ‘ITS – Quality of Life’ supports the Copenhagen belief that intelligent transport systems and services are integral to the enhancement of people’s lives through seamless, smart and sustainable mobility solutions.

Exhibiting and commercial partnership are key in contributing to the success of a conference, which is why the ITS World Congress invites all sectors to play a role in the on-going development of Intelligent Transport Solutions (ITS). The exhibition and partnership packages available reflect a commitment to bringing together industry professionals with unique ITS expertise and technology in order to develop new business solutions.

Commercial Partnership has been designed to enable companies to communicate and interact with their key audiences through a variety of branding, editorial and keynote opportunities. Integration with the ITS World Congress international marketing and promotional campaign will maximise brand association between now and September 2018,  as well as providing a calendar of opportunities to communicate with the ITS audience in the run up to, and during the event. These exclusive co-branded opportunities for our Platinum, Diamond, Gold and Silver commercial partners are available on a first-come, first-served basis.

The Congress gives you exceptional access to the entire ITS community; over 10,000 attendees from more than 100 countries will be represented, attracting everyone from the most established and recognisable companies to the sectors newest innovators. By exhibiting at the ITS World Congress you will find yourself among the latest ITS solution and advanced technology providers, positioning yourself among the elite in the market place for future mobility. For more information on commercial partnerships or the exhibition please email:

Demonstration projects have always been seen as one of the most attractive parts of the ITS World Congress, especially from participant perspectives. They are also perceived as a great opportunity for companies to present their state-of-the art products and solutions in real-life scenarios – creating a higher impact. The demonstrations give the participants the opportunity to test new products and services and gain a real experience, hence creating a deeper understanding. This kicked off on the 23 March 2017 at an open day in Copenhagen, where participants received an overview of the possibilities in Copenhagen. For more information and/or to submit your entry to join the 30+ candidates already registered, please email:

ITS attendees and delegates will include EU Commissioners, EU representatives, policy makers, CEOs, chief engineers, COOs, state ministers, councils, researchers, users and stakeholders from Europe, Middle East, Africa, Asia-Pacific and the Americas.