On 19 March, FIA Region I officially launched the campaign Mobility 2014 in front of an audience of MEPs, Council representatives and European Commission officials. The campaign aims to bring mobility issues front and centre in the European Parliament elections, open a frank discussion of the real concerns of motorists and, potentially, influence the mandate of the next Parliament.

“Too often, in elections, mobility issues can get swept aside, but not this time” said Jacob Bangsgaard, FIA Region I Director General. He continued, “Our Motoring Clubs, representing 37 million motorists in Europe, have found key issues that would improve the driving experience, which are not yet being directly addressed by European legislation. We know that these concerns will remain relevant beyond the elections in May and hope that they will be picked up in the new Parliament’s mandate.”

In the campaign, motorists are calling on MEP candidates to:

Drive future mobility

  • Ensure smooth development of future car connectivity, while fully respecting motorists’ freedom of choice and safeguarding conditions for effective competition in the aftermarket;
  • Create the right conditions for the deployment of cleaner vehicle technologies and foster user awareness via dedicated European projects

Video: Access to data and your car 

Increase road safety

  • Offer life-long learning opportunities for all road users, with specific focus on vulnerable groups;
  • Raise the awareness of end users about road safety

Support affordability

  • Ensure that motoring remains affordable via liberalised aftermarket for visible spare parts and stricter control for odometer tampering;
  • Invest European funds and earmark taxation revenue to properly maintain the road infrastructure to safeguard Europe’s growth and high levels of road safety

Video: Mileage fraud: the everyday scam that could be affecting you

Alongside the campaign launch, the issue of Supporting affordability, was also featured by showing the detrimental effects to consumers from a common crime, mileage fraud. At an event, kindly hosted by the Bavarian Representation to the EU, policy makers were given the chance to see just how easily this crime can be carried out.

In January, the FIA launched the issue of Driving future mobility, with a lunchtime debate in the European Parliament on Access to data and connected cars. Previous to these two events, the FIA held a high level debate on developing safe, efficient and connected mobility to examine Increasing road safety.

The campaign can be followed via the website mobility2014.eu where visitors can find more details on all of the topics. Additionally, MEP candidates have kindly offered their support to our campaign through offering statements and interviews on the future of mobility in Europe.

“We have been very encouraged to see that MEPs are indeed endorsing our campaign and thinking about the future of mobility,” commented Mr Bangsgaard.

For more information, visit FIA Region I website.