The European project NeMo (Hyper Network for Electro Mobility) is pleased to announce the winner of the NeMo Hackathon: the “ChargeSharing” community-based EV charging solution from the German start-up SME e3charge.

The NeMo Hackathon was an online competition open to entities outside the consortium, aimed at evaluating the effectiveness of the Hyper-Network’s open tools for service creation by offering them to third parties to develop new ideas or apps relating to electromobility (B2B or B2C).

The solution from e3charge is a community-based network of private electric charging station providers. Based on a similar principle to car sharing, ride sharing or Airbnb, it allows owners of private charge points (CP) to rent out their use to others, without the user needing to create a new subscription or download a new app, but instead using standard well-known payment providers like PayPal, Apple or Google Pay.

Most EV charging is currently done at private CPs such as at home or work. Also, suburban residential areas and smaller towns generally have far fewer public CPs than cities or major highways. A survey carried out in Germany by e3charge in 2016 found that around two-thirds of owners of private CPs would in principle agree to share them for a payment.

The technical solution proposed by e3charge is to enable data on such CPs to be published in various charging station directories (online mapping) as well as in-vehicle navigation systems (OEM and aftermarket solutions from electromobility service providers – EMP).

The ChargeSharing solution from e3charge was judged the winner against criteria such as its level of use of the NeMo open service creation tools, the atomic NeMo services used, the relevance to electromobility , innovation criteria (a service not already on the market on a large scale), interoperability and expected usefulness (commercial  potential).

The e3charge B2B APIs have been published using NeMo’s Data Translation tool so that they can be used by any EMP. Further developments are also planned such as a B2C app, allowing partners of roaming networks to charge via the e3charge network and integration of more payment providers to improve choice and increase ease of use for ad hoc payment.

Come and see e3charge demonstrated at the NeMo Final Conference and Exhibition in Barcelona on 19 September!

Watch the introduction video from e3charge “Wie Sie Ihre Ladestation anderen zur Verfügung stellen und damit Geld verdienen” (How to make your charging station available to others and make money):