The Mayor of Nagykanizsa in south-eastern Hungary recently opened a new bicycle route that links the city to a European cross-border cycling network.
Made up of three different sections located around the city, which lies close to the Slovenian and Croatian border, the route is a total length of 3km and cost 300 million HUF (€ 976 000).
The wider bicycle network links neighbouring Zalakaros and the Croatian cities of Koprivnica and Čakovec and is part of the € 1.7m EU-funded Hungary-Croatia IPA Cross-border Co-operation Programme.
The project’s focus is to boost eco-tourism and cycling and includes plans to establish bike rental services, a dedicated website and GPS orientation to support visiting tourists.
Hungary’s Ministry of National Development also recently announced (link is external) that Nagykanizsa was one of 30 ‘Bicycle Friendly’ cities that have qualified for funding to boost cycling.
The government is planning significant investment between 2014 and 2020 to encourage cities and businesses to work on bicycle infrastructure and other initiatives to make cycling more attractive to citizens.
Original author: Editor