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This newsletter covers the progress of the EU Member States as they prepare for 1 October 2017, where the Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) in each Member State, have to be technically ready to receive eCall, which will include a conformity assessment.

The I_HeERO project seeks to advance the technical capabilities of eCall through a number of well-defined initiatives, namely the advancement of eCall towards different vehicle types, including Heavy Goods Vehicles, Long Distance Coaches and Powered two wheeled vehicles. In the newsletter, activity leaders describe the progress in each of these areas.

Technically a great deal of work remains concerning the ability for the emergency services and the PSAP to be able to move data between agencies successfully. As the eCall technology matures, there is a greater understanding of what eCall will mean to the emergency service, what it offers and what technical requirements are required to ensure that eCall data can be used.

The communications industry is by nature a fast evolving scene, with 4G now being placed invehicles, and the steady migration to 4G by the mobile networks. In response to this I_HeERO is working with the standards agencies to define the next generation of eCall, and its capabilities.

The I_HeERO project provides an Associate Partnership scheme. The current number of partners both Member State and commercial continues to increase (now close to 100). The partnership which is free of charge to all allows access to I_HeERO activity groups and I_HeERO milestones and upgrade techniques.


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