As a pioneer in data exchange to reduce road fatalities, the Data for Road Safety (DFRS) platform is expanding its community. Parties interested in joining the initiative are invited to submit a membership application by following a few simple steps.

Large-scale vehicle data exchange, involving as many actors as possible, helps anticipate potential disruptions and hazards on the road, reducing the risk of fatalities. Public-private cooperation is the basis of DFRS’s mission to achieve this goal. The initiative gathers vehicle manufacturers, traffic information service providers, automotive suppliers and public authorities to create a Safety-Related Traffic Information (SRTI) Ecosystem. 

Are you interested in becoming a member? This is what you need to do: 

  1. Be an OEM (car manufacturer), a State Road Authority representative, a service provider or an association. 
  2. Express your interest in joining the platform by contacting 
  3. Sign our Multi-Party Agreement (MPA)  

Join the DFRS platform to enjoy all the benefits of a strong partnership with solid stakeholders and contribute to enhancing road safety! 

Check out our Onboarding Process and the Technical Document for further details on DFRS and the different Data Levels. 

Join DFRS LinkedIn group to stay tuned to advancements.