ERTICO’s SHOW project has launched a one-stop Marketplace where the Connected, Cooperative & Automated Mobility (CCAM) community can offer a catalogue of innovative technologies and services. 

SHOW  is currently Europe’s most significant and holistic Connected and Cooperative Automated Vehicles (CCAV) urban demonstration. The project aims to transform and modernise conventional urban mobility by examining and deploying innovative alternatives in the field of Public Transport (PT), Demand-Responsive Transport (DRT), Mobility as a Service (MaaS), and Logistics as a Service (LaaS). 

 The project’s know-how is acquired through research and development activities, which are trialed and implemented in demo site across Europe. To put this knowledge at the disposal of service seekers and build a CCAV community, SHOW has launched a CCAM Marketplace.

The Marketplace is a collaborative cloud-based, centralised software platform developed by SHOW partners for the CCAV community to buy, sell, manage and promote CCAM-related services, products and technologies. On offer are tools, applications, architecture, dashboards, data models, algorithms, UI widgets, data models, single components, case studies and datasets.

SHOW intends to raise awareness of its newly developed CCAM technologies and services through this collaborative platform. The Marketplace also includes products and services developed by similar EU-funded projects,  such as AVENUE with a view to expanding the CCAM community.

Explore the SHOW Marketplace and its services on the following link.