INEA has signed grant agreements with 39 projects selected for funding under two Horizon 2020 calls – Mobility for Growth and Automated Road Transport respectively. They will receive a total of €243.8 million.
Most of the funding – some €200 million – will go to 36 projects selected under Mobility for Growth.
The remaining amount will go to three projects under Automated Road Transport.
The projects are expected to use research and innovation on equipment and systems for vehicles, aircraft and maritime vessels that will make them smarter, cleaner, safer, and more automated.
Projects will also focus on research on road users’ safety, sustainable mobility in urban areas and “smart electric mobility” in cities, improvement of the logistics systems’ performance, and resilience and optimisation of transport infrastructure.
They are expected to start their activities by 1 September 2018 at the latest.
Project example:
Enabling safe multi-brand platooning for Europe

The main goal of the ENSEMBLE project is to pave the way for the adoption of multi-brand truck platooning in Europe to improve fuel economy, traffic safety and throughput. This will be demonstrated by driving six differently branded trucks (DAF, DAIMLER, IVECO, MAN, SCANIA, VOLVO) in one or more platoon(s) under real world traffic conditions across national borders.
The following objectives are defined: a) Achieve safe platooning for trucks of different brands, b) work towards the standardisation and achieve interoperable platooning, and c) real-life platooning showing a multi-brand platoon in real traffic conditions.
ENSEMBLE brings the key actors for deployment together which are all major truck OEMs (98% of the market) supported by other organisations, key stakeholder groups and relevant suppliers. The expected impact is on a Europe wide deployment of platooning with multi-brand vehicles in real, mixed traffic conditions.
The project pursues making transparent the economic, societal and environmental impact of decisions of platoon forming and dissolving, and to modernise the transport system by finding an optimal balance between fuel consumption, emission level, travel times, and impact on highway traffic flow, which results in reduced impacts on climate change, air pollution, noise, health and accidents.
For more information on the projects, click here.
Source: INEA