Within the set time frame of 6 weeks, Monotch deployed the Digital Vehicle Tracking system for the Flemish Road Authority. The world-leading C-ITS company was able to pull this off due to the set-up of its smart mobility system.

Traffic Live Exchange is the heart of the smart mobility platforms that Monotch has developed. Using TLEX in this particular case for tracking road works vehicles allowed us to use an off-the-shelf system as the central part and then customise for this specific application. In essence, what TLEX does, is connect objects to a central system.

Another essential part is the team’s focus. With all eyes on the short time frame, we were able to deliver on time.

With the DVS in place, roadwork vehicles with a GPS tracking device will transmit their location data. This data will first be fed to the Traffic Control Centres as a first step. The second step will be to open their data to all road users, allowing solution providers (app builders) to share this data on in-car devices and navigation apps. This roadworks warning will help road users to anticipate upcoming roadworks by adjusting their speed, keeping their distance or choosing a detour. All of which will lead to increased safety for road workers.

With the DVS in place, roadwork vehicles with a GPS tracking device will transmit their location data. This data will first be fed to the Traffic Control Centres as a first step. The second step will be to open their data to all road users, allowing solution providers (app builders) to share this data on in-car devices and navigation apps. This roadworks warning will help road users to anticipate upcoming roadworks by adjusting their speed, keeping their distance or choosing a detour. All of which will lead to increased safety for road workers.

The Digital Vehicle Tracking deployment results from a specific tender for a smaller project that feeds into the Mobilidata program that the government of Flanders is rolling out. The Mobilidata program is the largest intelligent mobility project initiated by the Flemish government.

Mobilidata is specially designed to enable new traffic applications in Flanders. External parties, such as navigation software providers, can (­­once they have passed an approval process) easily plug in their applications to the platform. That makes Mobilidata an opportunity for both road users and application builders.

Source: Monotch