A new report has been released in the K2 Working Paper Series titled “Institutional conditions for integrated mobility services (IMS): Towards a framework for analysis”.  The report presents a theoretical framework developed with the goal to generate knowledge about and policy recommendations for institutional frameworks that promote integrated mobility services.

The theoretical framework presented in this working paper is developed as part of the Vinnova
– financed project – IRIMS Institutional frameworks for Integrated Mobility Services in future cities–
which builds knowledge of and proposes recommendations for how institutional frameworks can be
modified to enable new, integrated mobility services capable of contributing to a transition towards
sustainable travel in tomorrow’s cities. Integrated mobility services (IMS) are a way to approach
mobility as a system where the traveller’s transport needs are in focus and fulfilled by one service
solution integrating different parts of the transport system – bus, train, carsharing, bikesharing, etc.
If you have any questions, please contact Jana Sochor at jana.sochor@chalmers.se