3 July 2013

COMPASS (Optimesed CO-Modal PASSenger Transport for reducing carbon emissions) will hold its final conference in Rome on 13  November 2013. At the conference, the project will present its results and focus on ICT solutions for co-modality.

COMPASS started in November 2011, and looked at the existing information available on passenger journeys in Europe, drawing extensively on work that has been undertaken in previous European-funded projects. Existing sources of information and data have been used to identify and describe the key trends in mobility patterns in the 21st century, based on current and future passenger needs. Existing sources of travel survey data have been exhaustively researched, with a particular focus on the role of ICT in data collection and management, and recommendations will be made on improving data collection in passenger transport to meet future needs.

COMPASS is in the process of identifying ICT-based solutions that have the potential to improve co-modality in passenger transport and these potential solutions will be assessed through a number of case studies.

The assessment of ICT solutions for improved co-modality is being based on a framework that emphasises the contribution of each solution to reduced carbon emissions. There will also be an investigation into how best to present solutions for improved co-modality to those stakeholders in transport operations and planning who will be responsible for their implementation, to ensure the best possible take-up of recommended solutions. Finally COMPASS will derive conclusions and recommendations for national and EU transport policy and actions.

The final conference in Rome will present some of the project’s key findings as well as present some of the most interesting solutions found, and will seek feed-back from the representatives of policy makers and other stakeholders as well as researchers and the transport industry.

For any further information on COMPASS, please visit: