We are excited to announce the launch of the FAME Project‘s highly anticipated monthly newsletter, a platform that will unite the community of Connected, Cooperative, and Automated Mobility (CCAM) stakeholders. This dynamic publication aims to foster collaboration, inspire innovation, and provide valuable insights into the development and validation of methodologies and tools for CCAM solutions.

The FAME Project is committed to supporting the long-term coordination framework for Research and Innovation (R&I) and large-scale testing activities in Europe, as envisioned by the European Commission and the European Partnership on CCAM. By developing and validating common methodologies and tools, FAME aims to facilitate the sharing of best practices, lessons learned, and knowledge exchange within the CCAM community.

The FAME monthly Newsletter will serve as a valuable resource for individuals and organisations passionate about CCAM advancements. Each edition will feature curated in-depth presentations of the content available on the Knowledge Base, a collection of the latest news and events related to CCAM, and content created by experts and stakeholders in the field.

The first edition of our newsletter is available online, and to subscribe to the Newsletter and become part of a vibrant CCAM community, please visit our website and get involved.

We can’t wait to share the second issue with you after the summer break!