
Tag: Public Transport

Italian pilot site: Large-scale testing ground for AUTOPILOT IoT e nabled autonomous driving

Florence-Livorno highway and road access to Livorno seaport provide large-scale testing ground for the AUTOPILOT IoT enabled autonomous driving On 19 April, the AUTOPILOT Project Consortium visited the Italian pilot site. AUTOPILOT, (AUTOmated driving Progressed by Internet Of Things) is an EU-funded project that started in January 2017. It brings IoT into the automotive world […]

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Rome to ban buses from entering historic centre (Italy)


The city of Rome is planning to ban buses and coaches from its city centre to cut traffic congestion and improve air quality.

Linda Meleo, Rome’s councillor for transport, made the proposals at a recent city transport committee meeting.

Under the plans, from January 2018 buses and coaches will be charged higher fees to enter the city and will not be allowed at all to enter the centre – a move that will effectively stop tourist buses from operating in the Rome’s historic area. 

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Val-de-Marne receives accessibility award for bus stops (France)


The department of Val-de-Marne has been recognised for its work in transforming thousands of bus stops to make them more accessible for people with reduced mobility to board and exit buses.

Val-de-Marne received the award from the Syndicat des transports d’Île-de-France (STIF), the transport authority that controls the Paris public transport network and coordinates the different transport companies operating in Île-de-France.

In 2004, Val-de-Marne, located southeast of the city of Paris, set an objective to improve the accessibility of 3,000 bus stops in the department.

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Daugavpils gives pensioners free public transport (Latvia)


The city of Daugavpils in Latvia is to follow in the footsteps of the capital Riga and provide pensioners with free public transport.

The measure is set to be introduced from next year and will cost € 500 000 from the municipal budget.

A journey on buses or trams currently costs 43 cents.  Older people who have reached the age of 70 can already travel free, while other pensioners travel for half price. 

From next year, all seniors will be able to travel for no cost.

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Geneva reduces ticket prices to combat pollution (Switzerland)


Geneva will begin to offer temporary reductions on tickets to encourage  use of the city’s public transport network and reduce air pollution.

This was spurred after higher than normal levels of ozone were detected last month in the city’s suburbs and in the city centre, as well as across the wider Romande region.

‘Without wanting to trigger panic, this pollutant represents a real risk to children, the elderly and those suffering from respiratory problems,’ said Luc Barthassat, a cantonal official in Geneva.

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