The rollout of electric charging infrastructure needs to accelerate commensurate to the expected electric vehicle fleet on EU roads, which by 2030 projects to reach at least 30 million cars. What are the targets for the development of recharging and refuelling infrastructure for light and heavy-duty vehicles?

Fleet-based targets will ensure 1 KW in charging capacity for each battery-electric vehicle registered in a Member State. It should also be in line with the earlier infrastructure goals set out in the Commission’s Sustainable and Smart Mobility Strategy. By 2025, more than 1 million recharging points expect to be delivered and approximately 3.5 million by 2030.

To ensure full connectivity across the TEN-T network of European highways, at least 300 kW capacity provided by fast recharging points (with at least one of a capacity of 150 kW) will have to be installed per 60 km stretch of the TEN-T core network by 2025 and 600 kW capacity by 2030. On the TEN-T comprehensive network, those targets have to be achieved by 2030 and 2035, respectively.

For hydrogen refuelling, one refuelling station will have to be available every 150 km along with the TEN-T core network and in every urban node serving both light-duty vehicles, including passenger cars and heavy-duty vehicles.

For heavy-duty electric vehicles, recharging points need to be provided along with the TEN-T core network. Every 60 km at least 1400 kW power output must be provided by 2025 and 3500 kW by 2030. On the TEN-T comprehensive network, those targets have to be achieved every 100 km by 2030 and 2035, respectively. Equally, recharging points have to be provided on safe and secure parking and in major cities and agglomerations on the European trans-European transport network (urban nodes) to allow for recharging of urban delivery trucks. Gaps in LNG refuelling infrastructure for trucks will be filled until 2025.

Source: European Commission