The CITYLOG European project kicked off officially in January this year. Partners met on 3 February to launch the work of the collaborative research project co-funded by the European Commission under the Seventh Framework Programme Theme 7 Sustainable Surface Transport and supported by EUCAR – The European Council for Automotive R&D.
The CITYLOG main objective is to increase the sustainability and the efficiency of urban delivery of goods through an adaptive and integrated mission management and innovative vehicle and transport solutions.
The CITYLOG project will focus on the following aspects:
- Logistic-oriented telematic services: these services will be designed to improve mission planning processes through an optimised routing and drivers’ support systems. The main goal is to reduce the number of unsuccessful deliveries towards the final customers thanks to the development of tracking and communication capabilities.
- Vehicle technologies: intelligent vehicle technologies are the key factor needed to increase the operational flexibility of lorries and vans. CITYLOG will improve the interoperability among the vehicles especially in terms of load unit handling in order to let each vehicle support different mission profiles and reduce the number of circulating vehicles.
- Innovative load units: different load units will operate in different missions. The new load design foresees a re-configurable internal layout that will enable different uses either as simple container or mobile pack station. In the latter case the goal is the de-synchronisation of the delivery process between operators and final customers in order to reduce unsuccessful
CITYLOG is coordinated by FIAT Research Centre it involves 18 partners in 6 different European countries including industries research institutes associations and local authorities.
For more information please contact Lina Konstantinopoulou or visit the CITYLOG website
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Original Publication Date: Tue 27 Jul 2010