Originally organized as a road sector conference TRA® (Transport Research Arena) the European Conference on Transport Research is undergoing great transformation.  Indeed TRA 2014 objectives are to include all surface transport modes on an equal footing while offering a content of quality at the crossroads of research and its implementation in everyday life industry and policies.

Today the transport sector has to meet exciting challenges: new energy sources new technologies urbanization globalization and increased expectancies from both planners and users. All of these challenges are in the scope of TRA2014 making it the arena where the future technologies policies and know-hows will be shared!

This edition of TRA 2014 will for the first time be hosted together with other transport events offering new views on several topics.

Thanks to its unique exhibition common to all joint conferences TRA 2014 will also  be a meeting place between researchers practitioners academia industry education and end-users where we will exchange how best to use research results and steer future projects.

Read more about the key dates and conference programme by downloading the brochure or visiting the website

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Original Publication Date: Fri 29 Mar 2013