Technical Market Consultation: Information Session

The Brussels Flemish and Walloon Region of Belgium invite potential suppliers and service providers to an information meeting as a first step towards a market consultation on Monday 10 September 2012 (fron 9:00 to 17:00) at the Hadewych auditorium (H. Conscience building) in Koning Albert II laan 15 (Brussels).

On 21 January 2011 the three Regions have decided to introduce a kilometre charge for trucks and a road vignette for light vehicles in the Regions. In preparation of the implementation of both systems the desired architecture (which includes the technical financial and legal framework) is being developed. During the first phase of the project a provisional architecture for both charging systems has been defined. By means of- amongst others – a market consultation this architecture will be further detailed and its feasibility will be verified. The final architecture will serve as basis for the formal tender which will lead to the introduction of the road pricing systems mentioned above.

In order to gather the latest information on technology in the market and to validate the design decisions that have been made in the present architecture interested parties are invited to participate in this information meeting to respond to a questionnaire and to participate in further consultation meetings on specific subjects.

Interested market parties are requested to register as participant for the market consultation by filling out the registration form and submitting this form to before 31/8/2012. Should the number of registrations exceed the available space in the planned facilities we will request to reduce the number of participants per market party.

The information material is available via email.

Participants are requested to submit the filled out questionnaire on or before 13 September 2012. Based on the received questionnaires parties may be asked for further clarifications with respect to one or more elements of their questionnaire. Questionnaires submitted after the mentioned deadline will not be taken into consideration.

Additional questions from parties not included in their submitted questionnaires will also not be taken into consideration.

The results of the market consultation will be published.

The program of the information meeting will be published prior to the meeting of 10 September.

Because of the expected number of international attendees the language during the meeting will be English.

Please note that these meetings are intended for companies wanting to provide products or services for the implementation of the road charging systems. Would you like to share your views on issues of these systems other than the provisioning of products or (financial) services you are kindly referred to the stakeholder information or

The questionnaire and the meetings will be in English.

Financial Market Consultation

The Brussels Flemish and Walloon Regions of Belgium invite potential funders to fill out a questionnaire for a market consultation.

On 21 January 2011 the three Regions have decided to introduce a kilometre charge for trucks and a road vignette for light vehicles in the Regions. In preparation of the implementation of both systems the desired architecture (which includes the technical financial and legal framework) is being developed. During the first phase of the project a provisional architecture for both charging systems has been defined. By means of – amongst others – a market consultation this architecture will be further detailed and its feasibility will be verified. The final architecture will serve as basis for the formal tender which will lead to the introduction of the road pricing systems mentioned above.

In order to collect the latest information on the funding of this type of project and to validate the choices made in the provisional architecture interested parties are invited to fill out a questionnaire which addresses key points on the funding of the project.

Interested parties are requested to apply for the questionnaire by sending an e-mail to Based on the responses submitted by the applicants the Regions could invite parties for specific subjects raised in the answers of the questionnaires. These meetings will take place during the week of 24 September 2012.

The results of the market consultation including the results of the specific meetings will be published.

The questionnaire and the meetings will be in English.


Link to original Article

Original Publication Date: Fri 17 Aug 2012