The European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) has published two new European Standards for Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS).
The standards define the message sets needed for running Cooperative ITS safety-critical applications. Published as Technical Specifications in Release 1 of ETSI ITS, the ENs have been prepared taking into account feedback from ETSI workshops, as well as feedback from implementation. They were developed under Mandate 453 of the European Commission.
The Cooperative Awareness Basic Service – EN 302 637-2 enables the exchange of information between road users and roadside infrastructure, providing each other’s position, dynamics and attributes.
The Decentralized Environmental Notification Basic Service – EN 302 637-3 supports road hazard warnings and contains information related to a road hazard or an abnormal traffic condition, including its type and position.
‘Intelligent Transport Systems are essential when traffic keeps increasing on the roads and makes it harder for drivers and users in general to have a smooth and safe trip, whether it be for their daily commute to work or any other journey,’ says Niels Peter Skov Andersen, chairman of ETSI’s ITS Technical Committee. ‘Standardization of ITS in Europe is therefore crucial for both economic and road safety reasons.’
Original author: Editor