Mr Eusebiu Catana, AEOLIX project coordinator, has presented the AEOLIX data sharing network at the UNECE session on “Automation in Transport: Digitalization and e-documents as enablers of growth and development” which took place on 19 February in Geneva.
This session has been co-organised with IRU as part of the Inland Transport Week and took place concurrently with the restricted segment of the ITC on the adoption of the ITC Strategy 2030, thus enabling non-governmental high-level participants, who cannot attend the restricted session, as well as larger country delegations to engage in a meaningful dialogue on the benefits of digitalization – e.g. through eTIR – for trade, growth and development and on addressing existing regulatory, political and technical bottlenecks.
Mr Catana stressed the need for a harmonised data sharing platform in the logistics sector and the importance of digitalization in logistics by adopting the eCMR which has taken on in 6 European countries as part of the AEOLIX Living Lab 12 and the Living Lab 4.
Moreover, majority of the attendees considered AEOLIX as potential solution to enable the use of logistics information in the value chain by implementing transport multimodality in supporting logistics-related decisions.