5GMETA – 5G-IANA – 5GASP -VITAL-5G joint webinar


Interoperability of European 5G platforms for Connected and Automated Mobility In this webinar, representatives from the 5GMETA, 5GASP, 5G IANA and VITAL-5G European projects will discuss about the landscape of 5G platforms for Connected and Automated mobility, with a focus on the importance of interoperability. Register here! Draft agenda

5G-LOGINNOV-ALICE Collaborative Innovation Day


The 5G-LOGINNOV project will be presented at the Collaborative Innovation Day on 4 October 2022, online. During the first sessions, experts in the maritime, transport & logistics and 5G scopes fields will deepen state-of-the-art and future views of 5G; representatives of H2020 Projects at the forefront of 5G developments will guide us through the concrete applications, challenges […]

Webinar – The future of Freight


In the freight and logistics transport sectors, the reduction of real driving emissions and transition to green alternatives is the main societal challenge. The STORM project will contribute to outline novel horizons for those areas through review and assessment of the current trends and technology drivers, to identify prospects for deployment of future innovative operational […]

Register for MODALES free webinar “Mid-term results on the road to low emissions”


The MODALES project, which focuses on adapting low-emission driver behaviour and control systems, is pleased to announce its mid-term conference where the results from the first half of the project will be presented and discussed, as well as looking forward to what’s in the pipeline for the rest of the project. The event will be […]