10 October 2014
15:00- 16:00 Brussels time (CET)

Speaker: Emma Johansson (VOLVO)
Moderator: Dr. Maxime Flament (ERTICO – ITS Europe)

More than 70 persons participated to the Webinar on Human Factors organised by VRA.

The presentations from the Webinar are now available:

1 – 2014-10-10_VRA_Webinar Introduction_v06

2 – 2014-10-10_AdaptIVe_SP3_ERTICOWebinar_oct14_v4A

View the video of the Webinar  available on the VRA Youtube channel: Click Here

The general objective of this Webinar was to present a quick overview of the on-going and planned Human Factors related activities in the European project AdaptIVe following the research carried out in the European projects interactIVe and HAVEit.

The main aim in this part of Adaptive is to investigate how driver’s intentions and actions should be taken into account in the design of vehicles with different levels of automation. A range of experiments will be conducted in different experimental environment and on-road when/if possible.

In Adaptive, Human Factors related functional requirements will be produced: they should describe on a general level how, when and where information, warnings, interventions as well as general support should be implemented in continuous driving situations as well as in event-based support situations, depending on the aim of the function. Intended and unintended situations and transitions (both system and driver initiated) should be taken into account.

A focus in this Webinar was on driver state assessment.


Original author: Davide Brizzolara