The NFC Technology Implementation workshop on public transport in Spain held on 22 November 2011 in Madrid  brought together all stakeholders involved in the use of NFC for payment on public transport.

Attendees included national provincial and local level authorities in the field of road and railway transport as well as representatives of the banking sector (BBVA Bankinter) card chip manufacturers (Gemalto Oberthur) systems integrators (Ericsson Indra) and the main Spanish telecommunications companies (Telefónica Orange Vodafone).

The workshop began with an introduction to NFC (actors involved the role of the TSM – Trusted Service Manager requirements for success in the implementation of mobile payments from the banking point of view or the use of mobiles as a differentiator for transport). The interest of transport operators in this technology was shown through the presentation of several papers on this theme and through several pilot tests that being currently realised.

Finally it was demonstrated how the Public Transport Committee of ITS Spain (NFC Working Group) is developing a white paper of NFC technology.

The workshop was closed encouraging attendees to show their progress and to issue their findings in the next “XII ITS Spanish Congress”.

For further information please contact Alonso Martín-Moreno Redondo.



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Original Publication Date: Fri 25 Nov 2011