
In times of major economic challenges ASFINAG has again in 2013 systematically continued on its course and successfully pursued its goals: enhancing road safety on its 2,178 kilometres of motorways and expressways, providing the latest updated information for its customers, working day in day out on the network to provide the best possible service and ensure economic stability for the future.

We use the latest technologies and innovative approaches to ensure that Austria’s motorways and expressways are among the safest in Europe. This is only possible by making careful use of resources and taking a responsible approach towards investment and spending. 

This is what we have achieved in 2013:

          Annual net profit of 471 million euros

          The third consecutive year  of consistent debt reduction totalling more than 200 million euros

          Dividends of 100 million euros

          Increase in equity ratio to 22 per cent

Day in day out, our 2,654 staff work around the clock to achieve these results. In 2013, ASFINAG invested more than 700 million euros in Austria’s motorways and expressways – in improving road safety and information throughout the network. All these efforts and achievements are reported on in this Annual Report – presenting ASFINAG and providing an overview of the company’s performance as well as its efforts towards promoting sustainability and innovation. For this reason we have again decided to provide the report in electronic form – clearly structured, in an appealing and user friendly design.

 ASFINAG’s successful performance in the financial year 2013 is essentially attributable to its staff. We thank all our staff for their effort and commitment and our partners and stakeholders for their excellent cooperation. We have clearly shown that we can achieve a lot together and will continue to join forces on our successful path in the future.

For the full annual report please click here