“Strengthening Transport Networks in South East Europe: The Way Ahead for European Integration” European Parliament Brussels 9 December 2010

The Central European Initiative is glad to invite you to the meeting: “Strengthening Transport Networks in South East Europe: The Way Ahead for European Integration” to be held in Brussels at the European Parliament (EP) on 9 December 2010 from 9:30 to 12:30. This event is organised in the framework of the SEETAC Project (South East European Transport Axis Cooperation – www.seetac.eu – co-funded by the South East Europe Programme and it is hosted by the Transport and Tourism Committee of the European Parliament.

The event will provide the opportunity to have an open debate with the Members of the European Parliament European Commission officials and other relevant stakeholders (i.e. national and regional representatives to the EU transport associations and transport lobbies) directly involved in TEN-T revision and its extension to the South East European region.

Please find enclosed a short description and agenda for this event here.

For Parliament security reasons all confirmations for this event should be addressed to Mr Mattia Dalle Vedove –  Head of Staff of Hon. Cancian with copy to Mr Carlo Fortuna and Ms Chiara Casarella.

Please note that: name surname function N° of passport and validity are strictly necessary. Please confirm your presence as soon as possible.

Please find attached the updated draft agenda of the meeting and a short description of the SEETAC project.

If you are interested in the project and you would like to receive more information please sign up for the SEETAC newsletter:  www.seetac.eu/subscribe.aspx


For further information please contact Bogdan-Iustin Birnbaum

Central European Initiative – CEI

Assistant Project Officer

Tel: +39 040 7786 749

Fax: +39 040 7786 783


Link to original Article


Original Publication Date: Mon 06 Dec 2010