The next VRA – iMobility Forum Automation WG will be held next week (28/04/2015) in Brussels at ERTICO – ITS EUROPE:

Blue Tower – Avenue Louise 32
Brussels, Belgium

The main objectives of the meeting are: discussing the White paper of the Automation, planning the activities of each sub-working group and reporting on past events and next steps

In the first part of the meeting, we will discussed the structure of the White Paper to be finalised by the end of this year.
Then we will create few separated working groups on different topics (moderated by a Sub-WG Leader, if available, or by an expert) in order to start discussing more in detail the content for each topic (for instance identifying keywords and challenges).
Finally, we will discuss the main outcomes of some of the recent events and the future planned activities.

The Final Agenda is available: 28-04-2015 iMF Automation WG – Final Agenda

Original author: Davide Brizzolara