The 27th ITS World Congress 2021 opened its doors on Monday 11 October with more than 1,600 spectators attending the prestigious Opening Ceremony with keynotes from Dr Angela Merkel, Dr Auma Obama, European Commission DG MOVE’s Deputy Director-General Mr. Matthew Baldwin and ERTICO Chairman, Dr Angelos Amditis. The host city welcomed over 13,200 participants from 66 different countries and a record number of 15,000 registrations were reached.

After outstanding work and collaboration between the organiser, ERTICO-ITS Europe, co-organiser, the European Commission and the host, ITS Hamburg 2021 GmbH, the ITS World Congress was a great success. For five days, participants enjoyed up to 210 sessions, 27 demonstrations and 19 technical visits which marked several strategic goals of the ITS World Congress, including encouraging and engaging smart mobility in all regions and nations.

On Monday 11 October, the official ITS Press Conference represented 33 different media companies with more than 50 registered press staff. If you missed the press conference, watch the entire recording here.

Furthermore, in the 25,560 Sqm exhibition area, more than 4,090 exhibition visitors came to experience future mobility where 198 exhibitors demonstrated their most innovative mobility solutions and technologies. As part of the strategic goals, the ITS World Congress aimed to raise awareness of ITS to the public. Therefore, on Thursday, 14 October, the exhibition was ready to welcome the general public. More than 3,675 people joined to watch and experience future technologies, solutions and innovative demonstrations throughout the four exhibition halls.

The ITS World Congress in Hamburg, sponsored by 27 commercial partners, including five full days of innovative technologies for mobility solutions that were covered by 24 official media partners and more than 244 press registrations. After such a successful week, the ITS World Congress in Hamburg served as a platform for scientific excellence, business cases, advancing deployment and showing the achievement of the ITS World Congress to all stakeholders. Last, but not least, it proved to be a unique global experience for everyone! Watch the highlight videos of the week to experience future mobility again and discover all the different dimensions of smarter, cleaner, and greener mobility. 

Day 1 Highlights

Day 2 Highlights

Day 3 Highlights

Day 4 Highlights


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