The President of China has proposed to revive the Silk Road at the recent Shanghai Cooperation Organization Summit, upprted by the $40 bn Silk Rad Fund.

Under the Smart Nations Global Initiative, the Smart Eco City “X” Consortium developed the concept of the Smart Silk Roads of Innovation Corridors from China, India,Central Asia, the Middle East,… to Europe via Cyprus, Smart Polis Seaside Region.

The Strategic Brief is designed for the key political decision makers, the Chinese President, the New Chair of the SCO, the Presidents of European Council and Commission, as well as prospective stakeholders.

The Smart Silk Road comrises the former EC’s initiative “the Great Silk Road”, US’ “New Sik Road” as well, thus be inclusive, conceptually advanced and financially viable.

The EIP for Smart Cities and Communities, with its Action Clusters, could be a key player in, seemingly, one of the major East-West projects of the 2st century.




Original author: asha