The Turkish capital, Ankara, is planning changes to legislation that will require transport providers to make their vehicles accessible for people with reduced mobility.
According to the Turkish Association of the Handicapped, an advocacy group, people with disabilities have long faced difficulties accessing public transport in most of Turkey, making journeys impossible for some.
However, recent legal advancements passed at the Parliamentary General Assembly and Ankara’s push for inclusive public transportation have seen significant changes in transport accessibility.
The new regulations will ensure that all new urban passenger transport is made fully accessible to individuals with reduced mobility. Vehicles not meeting requirements will be denied a transport permit.
Existing public transportation vehicles, as well as ferries and buses operated by private companies, will have to comply with the new regulations by July 2018.
Ankara is leading the drive in Turkey to make public transport accessible for all its citizens by becoming the first Turkish city to install elevators at all metro stops. Around 9 million people in Turkey live with a disability. 
Original author: Alexia