MÁV is part of the Hungarian state-owned railway company, comprising a group of around 30 companies that deliver various services to railway companies engaged in freight transport, as well as domestic and foreign business. MÁV supervises the operation of roughly 7,000 kilometres of railway and the related necessary infrastructure. In the PLOTO project, MÁV is a participant in the Hungarian pilot site, working actively alongside RSOE, BSZL, and BME. The organisation joined the PLOTO consortium with the aim of assessing and understanding the potential risks associated with climate change in their operating areas. By identifying vulnerabilities and developing strategies to mitigate these risks, MÁV seeks to enhance its resilience and ensure uninterrupted operations.

MÁV plays a crucial role in PLOTO as a provider of connecting infrastructure services. Working closely with the other Hungarian partners (BME, RSOE, BSZL), they are actively involved in developing a long-term data platform and reliable data points for the Hungarian pilot site. This collaborative effort will facilitate the creation of a robust foundation for data analysis and decision-making.

Recently, MÁV conducted drone photogrammetry of the Budapest Freeport site to gather accurate information for further analysis. Through data processing, they generated a dense point cloud that represents the 3D structure of the mapped area, with each point having XYZ coordinates. This valuable dataset, along with a digital surface model (DSM), has been shared with all consortium partners. The purpose of sharing this data is to assist them in developing advanced algorithms and AI tools for accurate inland waterways (IWW) mapping.

Looking ahead, MÁV’s next steps in the project involve utilising the recent outputs to develop possible scenarios for the test cases of IWW mapping. They are actively exploring different methods to make the most of the generated data and contribute to the project’s goals.

Read the full interview here­­.