The AEOLIX final review took place on 11 October at the ERTICO – ITS Europe premises in Brussels, Belgium. After 3 years of project work in 12 Living Labs , 30 project partners representing  Work Package leaders and Living Lab leaders gathered for one last presentation to the project officer Andrea Arcelli, INEA and external review, Dr Xavier Brusset, Professor of Supply Chain Management at the Skema Business School in Lille, France.

AEOLIX project coordinator Eusebiu Catana, presented the overall project management, deviations, budget and achievements.  Each of the Work Packages was presented during the morning while early afternoon was reserved for demos by all 12 Living Labs divided in the two rooms and presenting their work through a live demo as it happened during the AEOLIX final event in Hamburg earlier this year.

After an internal discussion the project officer and the reviewer discussed the project progress and achievements and gave positive preliminary comments to the project coordinator and partners.