It was a busy three days for ERTICO last week at the Digital Transport Days. This conference, organised by the European Commission and by Finnish Presidency of the Council of the European Union, brought together all actors involved in smart transport solutions.

It was a great occasion to keep up to date with the latest developments in the field of digital solutions for transport and mobility, presenting a cluster of ERTICO’s projects which are developing and implementing new solutions and services in the ITS’ world.

AUTOPILOT, CONCORDA, C-MOBILE, ENSEMBLE, FENIX, SAFESTRIP and TN-ITS GO, as well as the ERTICO-hosted platform MaaS Alliance were displayed in the exhibition area, where the possibility to test new prototypes and apps was given, by Carmela Canonico and Frank Daems from ERTICO.

ERTICO’s 5G flagship project 5G-MOBIX was demonstrated by the Finnish partner AALTO University who is leading the 5G-MOBIX Finnish pilot site in Espoo.

During two plenary and 24 parallel sessions, public officials, experts, industry and service providers discussed, brainstormed and exchanged ideas to help define and implement enabling policies, as well as developing customer-oriented services.

Data digitalisation and reusable data format, digital freight, users’ expectation and societal impact of new technologies, the link between digitalisation and decarbonisation were some of the central topics.

In conjunction with the Digital Transport Days, the MaaS Alliance co-organised, together with the European Commission and the Finnish Ministry of Transport and Communications, the fifth MaaS Summit, which gathered 90 decision makers and experts from EU to discuss sustainable Mobility as a Service and its huge potential to decarbonise and democratise our mobility.

Our Chairman, Angelos Amditis, moderated the session “Establishing a European partnership on connected and automated mobility on roads”.

Nikos Tsampieris presented the new ERTICO-led project FENIX during the session “Digitalisation of TEN-T: from research to deployment Moderator”, highlighting how information exchange is key for an efficient supply chain.

During the closing Plenary, our CEO, Jacob Bangsgaard, summed up the main outcomes of these days:

“Users are ready to embrace new services, so it is our turn to deliver them, through a close cooperation among Member States, regions and cities and with the essential role of the European Commission to endorse a European uptake of new mobility”.