Politico: Decarbonising Europe’s transport sector

Concert Noble Rue d'Arlon 82, Brussels, Belgium

This event will gather high-level EU and national policymakers, industry representatives, energy experts and environment groups for a frank conversation on how to rev up transport emissions reductions efforts, without wrecking European mobility and competitiveness.

MaaS Market – Concept to delivery

Inmarsat Conference Centre 99 City Road, London , United Kingdom

Mobility as a Service – THE FUTURE OF TRANSPORT BOOK YOUR PLACE TODAY MaaS Market is a two-day, international conference for all organisations committed to developing new ways of getting […]

The UDRIVE Final Event – The UDRIVE Experience

The Hague, Netherlands

June 2017 is the final month for EU Project UDRIVE –  the first large-scale European Naturalistic Driving Study on cars, trucks and powered-two wheelers. The UDRIVE Experience on June 7th […]