iHeERO-Logo_no-strap-01The workshop Making eCall Happen will address the challenges and opportunities that need to be met to ensure successful introduction of eCall in the different Member States. It will also offer insights into how commercial companies can leverage maximum benefit from this introduction.

Le Châtelain Boutique Hotel
rue du Châtelain 17
1000 Brussels, Belgium
6 September 2016

The workshop will address following topics:

  • How complicated is eCall Deployment?
    Overview of current situation across Europe for Emergency Call
  • What are the sticking points for eCall?
    including but not limited to MS PSAP solutions, eCall volume, eCall PSAP upgrade process, sharing MSD Data across the rescue chain
  • Areas of eCall to be refined
    Conformity, Liability Issues, Data Protection
  • How can these areas be addressed

With the help of a facilitator, delegates will brainstorm in break-out sessions to define remedial measures with regard to ethical, legal, societal and institutional areas and report back to the Plenary. All inputs will be incorporated into a report to be shared with Member States and the European Commission.View Agenda 


Seats are strictly limited

Register now!!


Attending the workshop is free of charge.
Please find some hotel suggestions here.