
Mexico City is the winner of the third Audi Urban Future Award, the world’s highest-value prize for innovative mobility solutions boasting a cash prize of € 100 000.

An interdisciplinary jury from China, Germany, the United Kingdom, Columbia and the USA assessed proposals provided by competition teams according to criteria such as innovative power, feasibility, sustainability and transferability to other cities. The Mexican team, led by renowned architect and city planner Jose Castillo, impressed the international jury with its ‘operating system for urban mobility.’

The winning team transformed transport users into data providers: citizens share data on their movements with other users through a website and an app, creating a consumer-driven database for transport planning. Once enough data has been entered into the platform, individual users can adapt their transport behaviour to fit the transport and traffic situation of that particular day.

Ultimately, cities can design their transport planning according to citizen and city needs, with the flexibility to adapt to changes in the local environment. The two mega-trends of urbanisation and digitalisation will radically change mobility in large cities,’ explained Rupert Stadler, CEO of AUDI AG, at the award presentation in Berlin.


Original author: Alexia