

To improve road safety the European Commission has introduced a harmonised EU code on alcohol interlock devices for driving licences (Commission Directive (EU) 2015/653 of 24 April 2015 amending Directive 2006/126/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on driving licences). The new Directive will enter into force EU-wide on 15 May 2015.

This new code “69” will replace different national codes in use, for programmes where the driver is restricted to drive vehicles that are only equipped with alcohol interlock devices. Such programmes are planned or in use in several Member States, notably to prevent drink-driving offences from re-occurring.

A harmonised EU code will facilitate EU-wide understanding of the restriction as well as enable Member States to enforce it. However it is still for the Member States to decide both whether or not to introduce such programmes and how to enforce the restriction.

In addition to this new code, the Commission has adapted the existing harmonised EU driving licence codes to technical and scientific progress, especially in the field of vehicle adaptations and technical support for drivers with disabilities.


Source: European Commission