R2CITIES partner, Genoa Municipality, is gearing up to stage its Smart Week from 16 to 20 June this year. The week’s agenda will feature a series of high-level events bringing together experts, stakeholders, and authorities from across Europe.
The Municipality, which is responsible for the Lavatrici district demonstration site within R2CITES, will also be hosting the project’s second periodic meeting during Smart Week, thus providing a remarkable networking and knowledge sharing opportunity for the whole of the consortium in attendance.
Genoa Smart Week will draw on various European projects, including R2CITIES, and on organisations, agencies, federations and policy-makers to inspire high-level discussion about moving towards more sustainable, energy-efficient cities. Projects that Genoa Municipality is involved in and that will be present during Smart Week include CELSIUS, ILLUMINATE, ELIH MED, iCITY, TRANSFORM and others Many of these projects will themselves be organising side events and are planning to hold their consortium meetings during the week.
One event arising from project contributions is the TRANSFORMation Dialogue, due to take place on 17 and 18 June and co-organised by the cities of Hamburg and Genoa. This two day policy forum is packed full with presentations and talks about the political responsibility and commitment required for a strategic agenda to transform our cities. It will gather experts from both cities and beyond, who will deal with themes such as energy transition, Horizon 2020, the role of regions in developing smart cities, modes of transformation governance, to name but a few. European projects working in energy efficiency will also provide concrete field experience and R2CITIES will be among them.
Also on the Genoa Smart Week agenda is the forum “The city we want: smart and sustainable”, organised by the International Telecommunication Union, a specialist UN agency for ICTs. This forum will take place on 18 June in the afternoon starting with two keynote speeches: Environment and climate change, and The European partnership on Smart Cities and Communities in a nutshell. This will be followed by a session on ICT as a way to improve living, function and sustainability.
The diversity of events, and the common theme of a transformation agenda for sustainability, will make Genoa Smart Week a high-profile event in itself. R2CITIES stands to give and gain much during this week. For more information, please contact Gloria Piaggio (gpiaggio@comune.genova.it) and Mirella Marazzo (mmarrazzo@comune.genova.it)
Contact: R2CITIES Communication Secretariat
Link to Genoa Smart Week agenda