CO-GISTICS Final Event and Demonstration


Stazione Marittima

Trieste, Italy

8-9 June 2017


Trieste is a cosmopolitan city, the capital of the autonomous region Friuli-Venezia Giulia. The Port of Trieste is located in the north of the Adriatic Sea a strategic geographical position at the intersection between Far East-Europe shipping routes and the European TEN-T Mediterranean and Baltic-Adriatic Corridors. The final event will take place in Stazione Marittima, one of Trieste’s most significant historical landmarks, surrounded by the sea on three sides and located just a few meters from the city’s main square (Piazza Unità).

The workshop, which will take place over two half days, is an opportunity to learn about CO-GISTICS project results and to experience live demonstrations of cooperative ITS applications for logistics. The event will kick-off with a demonstration tour and continue with the opening session at the venue, including presentations by public authorities and private parties.  Project results will be presented as well as discussions on the exploitation and future developments of CO-GISTICS. A second live demonstration with demo trucks will take place in a protected area next to the conference location on the second day.

The workshop is a joint effort by the CO-GISTICS project consortium consisting of 33 partners. With the University of Trieste and Politecnico di Bari as main local organisers, the event is hosted by the City of Trieste with the special support of the Trieste Port Authority, SAMER&Co. shipping, ERTICO-ITS Europe, Geoloc Systems, HOLM, IRU Projects and other partners.




 The idea is to provide workshop participants with a live demonstration of C-ITS logistics services in action in the pilot site of Trieste. For this reason,  the demonstration will start at the FVG Airport in Ronchi, which is also very close to the highway and is used by trucks involved in CO-GISTICS services in Trieste, coming from Austria and going to the  Interporto di Trieste Terminal and then to port of Trieste. The participants will be taken to Trieste by two coaches that will follow exactly the same route as the trucks. The demonstration will be divided in three parts in order to show live as many services as possible.



Part 1 from the airport to the Interporto di Trieste (about 40km and 30 mins)


  • Cargo Transport Optimization will demonstrate how it is possible to redirect the trucks to a parking area or directly to the port of Trieste, showing the port entry authorization, on their own device,
  • Speed advice (macro) service will indicate to the user (trucks) the correct speed to enable them to reach the port area on time for boarding.
  • Intelligent parking (Interporto di Trieste) service will be used to access the Interporto di Trieste area (inland terminal) with an automated electronical payment system which will drastically reduce the time spent on entrance and exit procedures.


Part 2 from Interporto di Trieste to the Port of Trieste (about 30km and 30 mins)


  • CO2 eco drive support (LCMM) calculates in real time the fuel consumption and CO2 emission based on smart device based position data, independent from on-board sensors.  It then communicates driving behavior to the drivers to increase efficiency and driving style.





Part 3 from Port of Trieste to Congress Venue (about 5km and 12 mins)


  • Speed advice (micro) will provide energy efficiency advice to the participants whilst passing the equipped traffic lights, including: optimal speed enabling passage through an intersection and whether to cut the engine at a red light.






On the second day, live streaming demonstrations of the other pilot sites will be shown. It will also be possible to participate in the live demonstrations of the following services.

  • CO2 monitoring
  • Eco drive support (LCMM)
  • Speed Advice (micro)

More information on the agenda and the registration will follow soon on CO-GISTICS website.