
19 September 2013

Following the success of the ERTICO Partnership eCall TestFest in May last year ERTICO – ITS Europe and ETSI, organised a second eCall Testfest in Essen, Germany, last week from 9 to 13 September 2013.

The week-long event was dedicated to interoperability testing, and especially designed for eCall In-vehicle system vendors and PSAP systems vendors to carry out IVS – NAD tests making eCall attempts involving as many vendor combinations as possible.

With participation of 31 vendors from China – EU – Japan – USA, 4000 tests executed during 350 pairing sessions was carried out with a great success with over 93% of the test being interoperable.

If you are interested in getting more information about the different tests themselves please contact Francois Fischer, Senior Project Manager at ERTICO – ITS Europe.