Tag: eCoDriving
New Year Message from ERTICO’s CEO: A Year o...
Jan 8, 2025 | Featured
SALFO Engineering & Management joins the ERTI...
Jan 8, 2025 | Featured
The ecoDriver Final Event is taking shape
Dec 15, 2015 | ERTICO Activities
The ecoDriver project is drawing closer to its ‘Final Event’, which will take place at...
Read MoreMarket Opportunities & Challenges For Ecodriving Systems
Nov 3, 2015 | ERTICO Activities
The ecoDriver project organised a the session “How can eco-driving contribute to the decarbonisation of road transport?” at the ITS World Congress in Bordeaux on 7 October 2015 . It included presentations on different aspects of the project and discussions focusing on willingness-to-pay and deployment issues.
Project Coordinator, Professor Oliver Carsten (University of Leeds) chaired the session and introduced ecoDriver. Roland Trauter explained the recent on-road trials, referring specifically to the experiences in the Stuttgart area using an ecoDriver system developed by Daimler and integrated into a Mercedes-Benz truck.
Guest speaker Marcia Pincus (United States Department of Transportation) presented current eco-driving research and demonstration work in the USA, focusing on GlidePath, i.e. Connected Automated Eco-Driving using Wireless V2I Communications at Signalized Intersections.
Finally, Dr. John Nellthorp (University of Leeds), focused on prospects for take-up of ecoDriver systems and external scenarios which could affect this.
Download the presentations
presentation1 OCarsten – UnivLeeds.pdf
presentation2 RTrauter – Daimler.pdf
presentation3 MPincus – USDoT.pdf
presentation4 JNellthorp – UnivLeeds.pdf
The public’s view on marketing ecodriving systems
Attendees were asked how much they would be willing to pay extra on a new vehicle for an ecoDriver system that would save 7% of their fuel bill. In general, around €200 was considered reasonable, though responses from the audience ranged from €500 to nothing.
When asked whether there is a minimum percentage of saving that is worth paying something for, people considered that small savings (<5%) would probably not be noticed by the driver. For commercial operators which drive greater distances and control their costs more, small savings could however still be important.
Another point, especially coming from public reaction from the Volkswagen emissions scandal is that potential customers may become increasingly sceptical of savings claims and may not wish to pay extra for an eco-driving system unless they are certain that it will produce significant savings. Since the savings that it would deliver to each user would vary depending on baseline driving style, distances driven, types of roads and traffic, vehicle type and powertrain, load carried, etc. “selling” the system based on average performance figures from trials remains a challenge.
Opinions were split on whether eco-driving systems should be mandatory on all vehicles. Some considered that manufacturers should choose freely whether to include systems as mandatory inclusion would push the price of cheaper cars upward and maybe have the negative effect that people will continue to use older, more polluting cars. On the other hand, fitment to only higher end models or as an option would seriously limit take-up. Comparison was made to other in-vehicle equipment that used to be optional (e.g. seatbelts until the 1970s or early 80s) and are now standard on all vehicles.
Regarding standardisation of the Human-Machine Interface, there is a trade-off between the freedom by manufacturers to differentiate their products from competitors, and the need to present systems that are easily understandable for drivers.
Although it could be considered that driverless vehicles make ecoDriver redundant and that with cleaner electric vehicles the benefits would be much lower, technologies developed and tested by ecoDriver could be incorporated into the driving programs, so that even if the Human-Machine Interface is not present, the cars eco-drive themselves.
New video showcases the different ecoDriver systems
Apr 23, 2015 | Policy News
ecoDriver has released a video showcasing the different systems developed and trialled in...
Read MoreTomtom launches the first commercial product emerging from the ecoDriver project
Mar 17, 2015 | ERTICO Activities
TomTom Telematics has launched its next generation of WEBFLEET OptiDrive incorporating...
Read MoreRegister to the Human Factors Workshop on Green Driving, to be held during the TRB Annual Meeting
Nov 26, 2014 | ERTICO Activities
ecoDriver project partners will participate in the Human Factors Workshop on Green Driving,...
Read MoreecoDriver Workshop and Debate, 16 June: Change to timing.
Jun 15, 2014 | ERTICO Activities
Late change of schedule: The ecoDriver debate/workshop in Helsinki on 16 June will now start at 14:00. Places still available: www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/ecodriver-stakeholder-workshop-registration-11356873715
Read MoreecoDriver Stakeholder Workshop and Debate: Monday 16 June. Last chance to register!
Jun 2, 2014 | Policy News
If you are in Helsinki for the ITS European Congress this month, the ecoDriver project...
Read MoreRegister for the ecoDriver Stakeholder Workshop, 16 June 2014 in Helsinki
Apr 29, 2014 | Policy News
ecoDriver cordially invites you to its 3 hour workshop entitled “In-vehicle applications to...
Read MoreEuropean eco-driving training programme ECOeffect holds its final seminar in Vilnius
Sep 24, 2013 | Policy News
On 17 September 2013 the European project ECOeffect held its final seminar on eco-driving in...
Read MoreIRU showcases ECOeffect benefits to road transport professionals and public authorities
Sep 19, 2013 | ERTICO Activities
19 September 2013 In the framework of an ECO-driving Seminar today, the IRU presented the...
Read MoreEvents
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