
Tag: Infrastructure

The Rise Of The Interconnected Megacity

[…] Smart city solutions can make life more convenient. For example in San Francisco, IoT smart parking navigation helps drivers on the hunt quickly find empty parking spaces. In Santander, Spain, 10,000 sensors embedded in street lamps, building walls, and under parking lots collect data on the city’s traffic, weather, and people making that data […]

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Why Self-Driving Cars Need Superhuman Senses

More than any other benefit, self-driving vehicles promise to save lives. Cutting out the human error that causes 90 percent of crashes could start to save some of the 35,000 lives lost on American roads every year. Manufacturers are convinced that people will happily use at least partially autonomous cars when they’re proven to be safer than […]

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Digital Transformation – Part III: The Internet of Things Changes Everything

In 2006, Don Tapscott and Anthony D. Williams described in their book Wikinomics how a new phenomenon they called mass collaboration was going to change everything. They recognized that this unprecedented capacity for self-organization would give rise to powerful new models of production based on distributed peer-to-peer networks rather than centralized top-down hierarchies. Tapscott and […]

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Italian pilot site: Large-scale testing ground for AUTOPILOT IoT e nabled autonomous driving

Florence-Livorno highway and road access to Livorno seaport provide large-scale testing ground for the AUTOPILOT IoT enabled autonomous driving On 19 April, the AUTOPILOT Project Consortium visited the Italian pilot site. AUTOPILOT, (AUTOmated driving Progressed by Internet Of Things) is an EU-funded project that started in January 2017. It brings IoT into the automotive world […]

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Espoo citizens test app to help fix cycle lanes (Finland)


The city of Espoo has launched a trial where citizens use their smartphones to help local authorities identify road infrastructure that needs to be fixed.

By using their phone cameras, residents can take photographs of problems they spot while on the move and upload them online using Mapillary – an app that lets people share images and tag their geographic location. 

Once the pictures are uploaded on the map, the application blurs the face of pedestrians and car number plates to ensure privacy and security.

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Madrid to spend € 40 million on cycle lanes in 2016


The Spanish capital is planning a major increase in spending on cycling infrastructure and the city’s bicycle-sharing network BiciMAD in the coming year.

The city council had originally planned to spend € 2 million on cycling in 2016, but will now spend € 40 million on 33 new cycling routes on streets or in public places and parks. Much of the funding will come from a national government fund for sustainable investments. A condition for the funding is that it must be spent by the end of 2016, meaning deadlines will be tight.

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