The European Commission, together with the ERTICO-led FAME project and the European Partnership on Connected, Cooperative and Automated Mobility (CCAM), has confirmed the dates for the 4th edition of the European Conference on Connected and Automated Driving (EUCAD2023). The Conference will take place next year in Brussels from 3 – 4 May. 

With the rallying call to “Debate, Develop and Deploy!” EUCAD203 will bring together political leaders from the European Commission and the Member States with representatives of industry, academia and road authorities. This 4th edition will build upon the key topics of the European Green Deal and the Sustainable and Smart Mobility Strategy to boost the discussion about the readiness of society for the deployment of smart, inclusive and sustainable transport solutions.

The Conference will build High-Level sessions where panellists will have the opportunity to discuss the latest policy and regulatory frameworks in the field of CCAM as well as thematic sessions focusing on the technological research and development towards its deployment.

“ERTICO has been driving the organisation of the EUCAD conferences since their inception in 2017 with the European Commission Directorate-General for Research and Innovation. The successive EU-funded Coordination and Support Actions CARTRE and ARCADE coordinated by ERTICO had among their objectives to co-organise the bi-annual event together with the European Commission. In 2019, EUCAD Conference attracted nearly 700 participants from the EU and other parts of the World, as well as more than 7000 viewers via web stream. In 2021, 1052 unique visitors from 58 different countries attended the virtual conference over three days. Last year, the organisation team was joined by the CCAM Partnership, which had been launched that year. For the upcoming 4th edition, the organisation is supported by the EU-funded FAME project, and ERTICO is chairing the organising committee composed of representatives from CINEA, DG MOVE, DG CNECT, CLEPA, EUCAR, which are working on the setup and programme since May,” added Dr Stephane Dreher,  Senior Manager of Innovation and Deployment at ERTICO, and coordinator of the FAME project.

Registration to the conference is free and opens in early 2023.

If you want to help to share the event, share your ideas here.