On 17 November, the Open ENLoCC network celebrated its 10th anniversary in Brussels with a public meeting in the afternoon. The keynote speech was held by Desireé Oen, a long-term member of the EU Commissioner on Transport’s cabinet. It was followed by a series of “Pecha Kucha” presentations (20 powerpoint slides, each presented in just 20 seconds) from the main institutions dealing with freight transport and logistics under a regional perspective in Europe. Each institution presented itself and its relation to regional logistics.

CO-GISTICS was presented by the coordinator, Lina Konstantinopoulou; her presentation is available here. Other presentations are available on the Open ENLoCC website.

Brussels - Belgium, November 17, 2016 -- Celebration event of the 10th Anniversary of Open ENLoCC (European Network of Regional Logistics Competence Centers); here, Lina Konstantinopoulou (Head of Department of Logistics and Transport at ERTICO) representing NOVELOG, New Cooperative Business Models and Guidance for Sustainable City Logistics -- Photo: © HorstWagner.eu

Brussels – Belgium, November 17, 2016 — Celebration event of the 10th Anniversary of Open ENLoCC (European Network of Regional Logistics Competence Centers); here, Lina Konstantinopoulou (Head of Department of Logistics and Transport at ERTICO) representing NOVELOG, New Cooperative Business Models and Guidance for Sustainable City Logistics — Photo: © HorstWagner.eu

Open ENLoCC (European Network of Logistics Competence Centers) was established as a follow up of the “ENLoCC”-project and is an open network of regional logistics competence centres in the field of logistics, run by public authorities or similar bodies. The main task of the network is the international exchange of experience and knowledge between its paticipants and the promotion of a higher level of cooperation with European institutions.