HERE analyzes the impact of recent summer holiday travel on vehicle speeds across three European capitals.

Another summer has come and gone in Europe. The kids are back at school and summer clothes are back in the closet. Your friends at HERE join in mourning the loss of holiday season, a remarkable time of year when people participate in the annual migration from city centers across Europe to beaches and tranquil escapes throughout the continent and the world.

For the hundreds of HERE employees who support the company’s traffic services, the end of summer brought an abundance of information, trillions of points of data, on traffic patterns throughout the world. HERE recently spent some time analyzing historical traffic patterns of three major European cities during the summer months to see what trends have emerged. We examined data from 2012 through 2015.

The crucial point to remember is that when people are out of town on vacation, and aren’t driving school runs, there are fewer cars on the road, equating to a decrease in overall volume, and therefore the average vehicle speed goes up. Less traffic + higher vehicle speed = happy drivers.

Some of the results may come as a surprise, or perhaps they simply validate what many of you experience on the roads of London, Paris and Berlin. Tell us what you think, and be sure to share this post with your social media networks.

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