The TM 2.0 Masterplan (2020- 2025- 2030) Workshop was held in Brussels on the 1 February 2018 with 25 participants representing not only TM 2.0 members but the entire transport industry. Public authorities (PAs), research institutions (RI), service providers (SPs), and the European Commission (DG MOVE) were among the participants.
The objectives of the workshop were to collectively develop a short (2020), medium (2025) and long-term (2030) vision to support the already set goals of TM 2.0, and to agree on a roadmap for the TM 2.0 Platform for the period 2020-2030.
The workshop consisted of three rounds of group discussion sessions, each followed by a plenary feedback session:
Moderator: Jop Spoelstra (Technolution)
- Milestone 2 (2025): TM 2.0 for Cooperative, connected, integrated and automated mobility CCAM
Moderator: Pedro Barradas (EC DG MOVE)
- Milestone 3 (2030): TM as a Service and trusted network.
Moderator: Lina Konstantinopoulou (ERTICO)
For each round of the group discussion, the participants had to address questions on the role of the stakeholders and possible contribution of TM 2.0 partners; technological innovations/challenges needed to reach the Milestone; favourable regulation/spatial dimension; use cases for mature services and the needed commitment/outreach of the TM 2.0 platform.
Clear ideas on the future TM 2.0 ecosystem were expressed for each milestone. Key inputs into the thinking for the roadmap for the TM 2.0 Platform for the period 2020-2025-2030 that were raised by participants include the following:
In 2020, Level 3 automated cars are expected to be on the road network. A coordination mechanism will allow PAs to align their efforts with other stakeholders in order to respond to the new and future functionalities of TM. By 2020 we should be aiming to have regulation and new technologies in alignment. Data protection will need to be further developed and adapted to the new needs. More TM 2.0 deployment reference cases, currently including the SOCRATES 2.0 project, is important. Efforts will be made towards overcoming challenges such as moving from scattered TM 2.0 pilots and concepts to broad deployment. It is key that more cities become active in the TM 2.0 platform. The TM 2.0 platform should contribute to “Traffic DNA Sequencing” i.e. the generation of a matrix of KPIs and technology options, in order to establish comparability.
By 2025 we may see level 4 automated vehicles AVs (AVs, but monitoring by a driver is still required) on the road network. PAs will be more involved in the digitalisation of infrastructure and in managing the transition from conventional (legacy) to automated vehicles (AVs). The role of the PAs will be strong in the implementation of incentive policies, measuring achievements, defining the most relevant KPIs and optimising traffic demand management in the mobility network. Challenges for PAs will be seen in defining the service requirements for privacy, security and safety. Traffic Management Centers (TMC) will move from reactive to proactive traffic policies taking responsibility for the implementation of actions defined by the PAs. The SPs will have become able to act on behalf of the Pas (if the latter so wish), taking responsibility for acting but not excising decision making power. OEMs will be changing from automotive manufacturers to private transport solution providers (MaaS perspective).
Advanced mechanisms to make TM successful in 2025 should be put in place, such as geo-fencing, minimum requirements for connectivity of vehicles, and freight and transport corridors to enable that TM takes place on the right conditions. Relevant use cases, including Platooning, V2X – towards negotiation, MaaS. should be promoted and their wider deployment should be encouraged.
Milestone 3 was more oriented to future models for TM 2.0 such as Marketplace implementation (e.g. Appstore of services), development of innovative solutions and innovative procurement process.
In 2030, interactive TM will be in place and this will enable PAs to have a clear understanding of system performance and of the different actor’s performance within the given framework, for example emissions. The MaaS platform will more and more have to assume a key role as MaaS operators and will become increasingly central in the mobility system.
The user is seen in 2030 as demanding seamless integration of services, easy payment options (pay as you go, monthly or flat rate), freedom of mobility, different and preferred options, real time traffic information of high quality, safety, accessibility and low costs. TM will be functioning as Traffic management as a Service and it should meet goals set by policy makers in full dialogue with stakeholders while the ‘orchestration’ within the operational model remains in the hands of PAs. Adoption of Blockchain will be a key facilitating technology, although the speed of adoption will depend upon big players in the value chain and the rate of infrastructure development.
In the end, all stakeholders will have to comply with the reference architecture & specifications to make the vision work. “TM 2.0 as the Reference” should become a reality.
The outcomes of the Workshop will enable the TM 2.0 Masterplan TF leaders to define clear roles of the TM 2.0 stakeholders and to prepare a detailed TM 2.0 roadmap 2020-2025- 2030.