The City of Copenhagen and the Danish Industry Foundation will host the first ITS Hackathon from now until the ITS World Congress next September. This project will kick start the World Congress in 2017 for the benefit of Danish businesses and citizens. ITS Hackathon is a dialogue and innovation process aimed at motivating businesses to apply to test new innovative ITS solutions in an urban environment, before and during the ITS World Congress 2018.

“The hackathon will provide Danish businesses with a platform where they can develop and test new IT-based solutions in a living laboratory while interacting with citizens and other users. Testing, developing and documenting solutions in conjunction with public authorities, businesses and citizens offers individual companies a unique stepping stone towards competing in the global market for intelligent cities and the associated technology,” says Charlotte Kjeldsen Krarup, Head of Development at the Danish Industry Foundation.

The ITS Hackathon project will support business growth and strengthen integration in the Oresund region to boost Denmark’s international appeal. As host to the ITS World Congress 2018, Copenhagen will showcase new Danish transport solutions, research findings and technological expertise, as well as products and services from Danish companies. The ITS Hackathon will also contribute to improving the foundations for growth and increased competitiveness among participating businesses.

“The City of Copenhagen is very pleased that the ITS Hackathon project has been awarded Foundation funds. This provides a unique opportunity to boost innovative businesses that want to test their new ITS concepts in the run-up to the ITS World Congress 2018. We also want to engage our citizens and show them how ITS creates value for the end user – Quality of Life – which is the main theme of the Congress,” says Steffen Rasmussen, Head of Department, Technical and Environmental Administration of the City of Copenhagen.

The project supports the City’s objective of improving traffic flow, safety and the environment for all road users by means of ITS. It will also serve to generate new knowledge for tackling some of the most urgent challenges of our time, such as climate change, air quality, urbanisation, road congestion and traffic safety.

The ITS Hackathon is divided into four phases that include:

  • Network and global perspective
  • Target and concept development
  • Testing and evaluation
  • Implementation and showcasing

The City of Copenhagen is the organiser of the various activities and demonstrations from now until the opening of the World Congress  from 17-21 September 2018.

For more information, please contact:

The Technical and Environmental Administration via press telephone +45 23 27 80 90, or Anette Amalie Juhl Lindschouw, Special Consultant, ITS World Congress 2018, at + 45 21 78 26 06.

For more information about the ITS World Congress 2018, please visit